
OpenFrameworks + kinect + Android


How to make:

1.Setup ofxAndroid's Development Environment
Please refer to the following site:
ofxAndroid setup manual
If you can read Japanese & want to setup it on Windows, you should refer to this site.

2.Merge ofxKinect to ofxAndroid
2-1.Download & Setup to Eclipse

Please download soruce code from the following site:

Next, Copy [ofxKinect directory]/src/ofxKinect/ to [ofxAndroid directory]/addons/ .
Final, Add include path to Eclipse's "(ofxAndroid's)addons" project.
Please run Eclipse and add the folloing place & path:

Place: Properties -> C/C++ General -> Pths and Symbols -> Includes tab(GNU C++)
Path: [ofxAndroid directory]/addons/src/ofxKinect/src/

2-2.Fix compile error
If ofxAndroid doesn't have ofxThread::waitForThread(bool) function.
Please add the following source:
[ofxAndroid directory]/addons/ofxThread/src/ofxThread.h

void waitForThread(bool stop = true);

[ofxAndroid directory]/addons/ofxThread/src/ofxThread.c

void ofxThread::waitForThread(bool stop){
if (threadRunning){
// Reset the thread state
threadRunning = false;
if(verbose)printf("ofxThread: stopping thread\n");
if(verbose)printf("ofxThread: waiting for thread to stop\n");
// Wait for the thread to finish
#ifdef TARGET_WIN32
WaitForSingleObject(myThread, INFINITE);
if(pthread_self()==myThread) printf("ofxThread: error, waitForThread should only be called from outside the thread");
pthread_join(myThread, NULL);
if(verbose)printf("ofxThread: thread stopped\n");
myThread = NULL;
if(verbose)printf("ofxThread: thread already stopped\n");

2-3.Do customize source code for Android
Please remove the following code in ofxKinect::threadedFunction() function:


Please add the following code in [ofxKinect directory]/libs/lubusb/io.c file:

#define TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(tv, ts) \
do { \
(tv)->tv_sec = (ts)->tv_sec; \
(tv)->tv_usec = (ts)->tv_nsec / 1000; \
} while (0)

2-4.Create your application project
Please choose sample programs from the following directory:

[ofxAndroid directory]/apps/androidExamples/

And copy it to the following directory:

[NDK directory]/apps/

Final, export this project on Eclipse.

2-5.Build project
You must build JNI at first.
You execute the following commands:

cd [NDK directory]/apps/[your app directory]
[NDK directory]/ndk-build -B

And, you build android application on Eclipse.

*If you don't know how to use ofxKinect framework, please refer to "[ofxKinect directory]/src/testApp.cpp".

3.Change Android's configuration
Please add the following line to init.rc:

mount usbfs none /proc/bus/usb -o devmode=0666

4.Upgrade Android's kernel
libusb MUST neet "USB FS". And Kinect MUST neet "High Speed USB(USB2.0)".
Therefore, you check the following kernel options:


If your device can not draw normal Z-camera image and RGB-camera image, you MUST need to build optimized kernel & userland.
I used the following optimization option for building kernel, userland & "OpenFrameworks x kinect x Android".
for armadillo

-O3 -march=armv6 -mtune=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp -ffast-math -fno-math-errno -mfloat-abi=softfp -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops

for beagleboard

-O3 -ffast-math -fno-math-errno -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops

Full "OpenFrameworks x kinect x Android" Development Environment for Armadillo
Full "OpenFrameworks x kinect x Android" Development Environment for beagleboard
Only source code "OpenFrameworks x kinect x Android

Full "OpenFrameworks x kinect x Android" Development Environment has:

Android NDK crystax version for Linux
Android SDK for Linux
C/C++ Eclipse for Linux
ofxKinect(Kinect for OpenFrameworks)'s source codes
ofxAndroid(Android for OpenFrameworks)'s source codes
"OpenFrameworks x kinect x Android" 's source codes
sample program Eclipse's workspace

OpenFrameworks + kinect + Android项目源码下载



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